Results for 'Glen P. Aylward'

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  1.  19
    Scanning for presence in simple sentences is influenced by image value of nouns.Carlton T. James & Glen P. Aylward - 1973 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 2 (3):171-172.
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  2. Austin, GA, 232.G. P. Aylward, I. Abramov, R. N. Adams, W. A. Ahroon, T. Alajouanine, M. Albert, J. Alegria, J. N. Allen, T. Allison & M. Alpern - 1985 - In Jacques Mehler & Robin Fox, Neonate Cognition: Beyond the Blooming Buzzing Confusion. Lawrence Erlbaum.
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    Justice and the way of Jesus: Christian ethics and the incarnational discipleship of Glen Stassen.Glen Harold Stassen, David P. Gushee & Reggie L. Williams (eds.) - 2020 - Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books.
    Eighteen Christian theologians and ethicists offer a rich engagement with the theological ethics of Glen Stassen (1936-2014).
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    "Horn of plenty" conditions versus gradual diminution of reward supply with extended training.Glen D. Jensen & Robert P. Rey - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 80 (1):190.
  5.  34
    Runway performance under "horn of plenty" conditions versus gradual diminution of reward supply.Glen D. Jensen & Robert P. Rey - 1968 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 76 (1p1):7.
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    Punishment of schedule-induced wheel running.Glen D. King & Joseph P. Sides - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 5 (4):323-324.
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    Evaluating an hepatic enzyme induction mechanism through coarse‐ and fine‐grained measurements of an in silico liver.Glen E. P. Ropella, Sunwoo Park & C. Anthony Hunt - 2009 - Complexity 14 (6):28-34.
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    Fundamental Issues Regarding the Nature of Technology.Jacob Pleasants, Michael P. Clough, Joanne K. Olson & Glen Miller - 2019 - Science & Education 28 (3-5):561-597.
    Science and technology are so intertwined that technoscience has been argued to more accurately reflect the progress of science and its impact on society, and most socioscientific issues require technoscientific reasoning. Education policy documents have long noted that the general public lacks sufficient understanding of science and technology necessary for informed decision-making regarding socioscientific/technological issues. The science–technology–society movement and scholarship addressing socioscientific issues in science education reflect efforts in the science education community to promote more informed decision-making regarding such issues. (...)
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  9.  21
    The effects of three levels of lick-contingent footshock on schedule-induced polydipsia.Edward P. Galantowicz & Glen D. King - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 5 (2):113-116.
  10.  21
    Merleau-Ponty and Buddhism.Michael P. Berman, David Brubaker, Gerald Cipriani, Jay Goulding, Hyong-hyo Kim, Gereon Kopf, Glen A. Mazis, Shigenori Nagatomo, Carl Olson, Bernard Stevens, Funaki Toru & Brook Ziporyn (eds.) - 2009 - Lexington Books.
    Merleau-Ponty and Buddhism explores a new mode of philosophizing through a comparative study of Maurice Merleau-Ponty's phenomenology and philosophies of major Buddhist thinkers including Nagarjuna, Chinul, Dogen, Shinran, and Nishida Kitaro. The book offers an intercultural philosophy in which opposites intermingle in a chiasmic relationship, and which brings new understanding regarding the self and the self's relation with others in a globalized and multicultural world.
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  11. John P. Anton and Anthony Preus, eds., Essays in Ancient Greek Philosophy IV: Aristotle's Ethics Reviewed by.Glen Koehn - 1992 - Philosophy in Review 12 (6):377-379.
  12.  40
    Yasuko Kameyama, Agus P. Sari, Moekti H. Soejachmoen, and Norichika Kanie (eds.), Climate Change in Asia: Perspectives on the Future Climate Regime, UNU Press, Tokyo, 2008 (Paperback), ISBN-13: 978-9280811520 $34.00. [REVIEW]Glen Paoletto - 2009 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 10 (2):243-245.
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  13. Some School Books - 1. W. Michael Wilson: Latin Comprehensions. Pp. 123. London:Macmillan, 1969. Paper, 40p. - 2. David G. Frater: Aere Perennius. Pp. xi+119. London: Macmillan. 1968. Limp cloth, 75P. - 3. A. Mcdonald and S. J. Miller: Greek Unprepared Translation. (Modern School Classics.) Pp.191. London: Macmillan, 1969. Cloth, £1.25. - 4. B. Halifax: Small Latin. A Reader for Beginners. Pp. 96; maps, plates, and drawings. Slough: Centaur Books, 1969. Paper, 52p. - 5. Carla. P. Ruck: Ancient Greek. ANew Approach. First Experimental Edition. Pp. xv+599; drawings. Cambridge, Mass.: M.I.T. Press, 1968. Paper, £6. - 6. Sidney Morris: A Programmed Latin Course. Part ii. Pp. 301; ill. London: Methuen, 1968. Cloth, £1.50. - 7. E. C. Kennedy: Caesar, De Bello Gallico vi. (Palatine Classics.) Pp. viii+162; 4 plates, maps and plans. London: University Tutorial Press, 1969. Cloth, 57½p. - 8. H. C. Fay: Plautus, Rudens. (Palatine Classics.) Pp. viii+221; ill. London: University Tutorial Press, 1. [REVIEW]Robert Glen - 1972 - The Classical Review 22 (1):96-99.
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    Looking Back, Looking Forward: Review of A. Briggle, P. Brey and E. Spence : The Good Life in a Technological Age: Routledge, New York, 2012, 358 pp, ISBN: 978-0-415-89126-4. [REVIEW]Glen Miller - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (6):1691-1697.
  15.  20
    Educating the Prince: Essays in Honor of Harvey Mansfield.John Gibbons, Nathan Tarcov, Ralph Hancock, Jerry Weinberger, Paul A. Cantor, Mark Blitz, James W. Muller, Kenneth Weinstein, Clifford Orwin, Arthur Melzer, Susan Meld Shell, Peter Minowitz, James Stoner, Jeremy Rabkin, David F. Epstein, Charles R. Kesler, Glen E. Thurow, R. Shep Melnick, Jessica Korn & Robert P. Kraynak (eds.) - 2000 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    For forty years, Harvey Mansfield has been worth reading. Whether plumbing the depths of MachiavelliOs Discourses or explaining what was at stake in Bill ClintonOs impeachment, MansfieldOs work in political philosophy and political science has set the standard. In Educating the Prince, twenty-one of his students, themselves distinguished scholars, try to live up to that standard. Their essays offer penetrating analyses of Machiavellianism, liberalism, and America., all of them informed by MansfieldOs own work. The volume also includes a bibliography of (...)
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    Walking with Jesus Christ: Catholic and Evangelical visions of the moral life.Steven Hoskins, Christian D. Washburn, William B. Stevenson, Daniel A. Keating, Bruce N. G. Cromwell, Dennis W. Jowers, David P. Fleischacker, Luke T. Geraty, Glen W. Menzies & David D. Kagan (eds.) - 2024 - Saint Paul, Minnesota: Saint Paul Seminary Press.
    The collected essays and consensus statements of the second round of the National Evangelical-Catholic Dialogue, and the second book of the series on Evangelicals and Catholics in dialogue. The essays address the Christian ideal of life lived in pursuit of the good that is God, and the witness and imitation of God's action in Christ, as a pathway to fruitful dialogue between Catholics and Evangelicals.
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  17. Agent-based modeling: a systematic assessment of use cases and requirements for enhancing pharmaceutical research and development productivity.C. Anthony Hunt, Ryan C. Kennedy, Sean H. J. Kim & Glen E. P. Ropella - 2013 - Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews 5 (4):461-480.
    A crisis continues to brew within the pharmaceutical research and development (R&D) enterprise: productivity continues declining as costs rise, despite ongoing, often dramatic scientific and technical advances. To reverse this trend, we offer various suggestions for both the expansion and broader adoption of modeling and simulation (M&S) methods. We suggest strategies and scenarios intended to enable new M&S use cases that directly engage R&D knowledge generation and build actionable mechanistic insight, thereby opening the door to enhanced productivity. What M&S requirements (...)
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  18. Book Reviews : Authentic Transformation: a new vision of Christ and Culture, with a previously unpublished essay by H. Richard Niebuhr, by Glen H. Stassen, D. M. Yeager, John Howard Yoder. Nashville: Abingdon, 1996. 299 pp. pb. no price. [REVIEW]P. Travis Kroeker - 1998 - Studies in Christian Ethics 11 (1):105-109.
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    Evangelical ethics: a reader.David P. Gushee & Isaac B. Sharp (eds.) - 2015 - Louisville, Kentucky: Westminster John Knox Press.
    Just as it is impossible to understand the American religious landscape without some familiarity with evangelicalism, one cannot grasp the shape of contemporary Christian ethics without knowing the contributions of evangelical Protestants. This newest addition to the Library of Theological Ethics series begins by examining the core dynamic with which all evangelical ethics grapples: belief in an authoritative, inspired, and unchanging biblical text on the one hand, and engagement with a rapidly evolving and increasingly post-Christian culture on the other. It (...)
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    In the fray: contesting Christian public ethics, 1994-2013.David P. Gushee - 2014 - Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books.
    In the Fray collects David Gushee's most significant essays over twenty years as a Christian intellectual. Most of the essays were written in situations of ethical conflict on the highly contested ground of Christian public ethics. Topics addressed include torture, climate change, marriage and divorce, the treatment of gays and lesbians in the church, war, genocide, nuclear weapons, race, global poverty, faith and politics, Israel/Palestine, and even whether Christian ethics is a real academic discipline. Quite visible in the collection is (...)
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    Kingdom ethics: following Jesus in contemporary context.David P. Gushee - 2016 - Grand Rapids, Michighan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company. Edited by Glen Harold Stassen.
    Ever since its original publication in 2003, Glen Stassen and David Gushee's Kingdom Ethics has offered students, pastors, and other readers an outstanding framework for Christian ethical thought, one that is solidly rooted in Scripture, especially Jesus's teachings in the Sermon on the Mount. This substantially revised edition of Kingdom Ethics features enhanced and updated treatments of all major contemporary ethical issues. David Gushee's revisions include updated data and examples, a more global perspective, more gender-inclusive language, a clearer focus (...)
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    The Kingdom of God, Hope and Christian Ethics.David P. Gushee & Codi D. Norred - 2018 - Studies in Christian Ethics 31 (1):3-16.
    This article interrogates the use of a Kingdom-of-God narrative frame, in the work both of progressive evangelicals Glen Stassen and David Gushee ( Kingdom Ethics) and in liberation theology, claiming that this narrative has often inspired hope and moral action but can be questioned on a variety of theological and methodological grounds. It considers startling recent claims by liberation ethicist Miguel De la Torre that all talk of a coming Kingdom of God is mythic, a middle-class illusion that undermines (...)
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    Book Reviews: David P. Gushee and Glen H. Stassen, Kingdom Ethics: Following Jesus in Contemporary Context. [REVIEW]Edward Dowler - 2018 - Studies in Christian Ethics 31 (4):485-488.
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    Evangelical Peacemakers: Gospel Engagement in a War-Torn World ed. by David P. Gushee.Lisa Sowle Cahill - 2017 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 37 (2):206-207.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Evangelical Peacemakers: Gospel Engagement in a War-Torn World ed. by David P. GusheeLisa Sowle CahillEvangelical Peacemakers: Gospel Engagement in a War-Torn World Edited by David P. Gushee EUGENE, OR: WIPF AND STOCK, 2013. 135 PP. $21.00This short volume collects papers from a 2012 Evangelicals for Peace conference at Georgetown University. This should not mislead potential readers as to the book's timeliness, coherence, significance, or ecumenical and interreligious appeal. (...)
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  25. (1 other version)Entailment: The Logic of Relevance and Neccessity, Vol. I.Alan Ross Anderson & Nuel D. Belnap - 1975 - Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press. Edited by Nuel D. Belnap & J. Michael Dunn.
    In spite of a powerful tradition, more than two thousand years old, that in a valid argument the premises must be relevant to the conclusion, twentieth-century logicians neglected the concept of relevance until the publication of Volume I of this monumental work. Since that time relevance logic has achieved an important place in the field of philosophy: Volume II of Entailment brings to a conclusion a powerful and authoritative presentation of the subject by most of the top people working in (...)
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  26.  35
    Against defaultism and towards localism in the contingency/inevitability conversation: Or, why we should shut up about putting-up.Alex Aylward - 2019 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 74:30-41.
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    R.A. Fisher, eugenics, and the campaign for family allowances in interwar Britain.Alex Aylward - 2021 - British Journal for the History of Science 54 (4):485-505.
    Ronald Aylmer Fisher is today remembered as a giant of twentieth-century statistics, genetics and evolutionary theory. Alongside his influential scientific contributions, he was also, throughout the interwar years, a prominent figure within Britain's eugenics movement. This essay provides a close examination of his eugenical ideas and activities, focusing particularly upon his energetic advocacy of family allowances, which he hoped would boost eugenic births within the more ‘desirable’ middle and upper classes. Fisher's proposals, which were grounded in his distinctive explanation for (...)
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    Broadening heredity.Alex Aylward - 2018 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 67:36-40.
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    Understanding the civil war: Causes of violent conflict and the social construction of indigenous identity in Guatemala.L. Aylward - 2007 - Dialogue: Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia. 5 (1):45-64.
  30. African Christian Theology—Adaptation or Incarnation?Aylward Shorter - 1977
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    Efram Sera-Shriar , Historicizing Humans: Deep Time, Evolution, and Race in Nineteenth-Century British Sciences. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2018. Pp. 326. ISBN 978-0-8229-4529-1. $45.00. [REVIEW]Alex Aylward - 2019 - British Journal for the History of Science 52 (2):369-370.
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    Hans-Jörg Rheinberger and Staffan Müller-Wille, The Gene: From Genetics to Postgenomics. Translated by Adam Bostanci. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 2017. Pp. 147. ISBN 978-0-2265-1000-2. $25.00. [REVIEW]Alex Aylward - 2018 - British Journal for the History of Science 51 (3):534-535.
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    Ethics as if Jesus mattered: essays in honor of Glen Harold Stassen.Glen Harold Stassen & Rick Axtell (eds.) - 2013 - Macon, Georgia: Smyth & Helwys Publishing.
    Glen Stassen has approached his life and work "as if Jesus mattered," and this new collection of essays in his honor demonstrates that the contributors share that commitment, each in her or his own way. Ethics as if Jesus Mattered will introduce Stassen's work to a new generation, advance dialogue and debate in Christian ethics, and inspire more faithful discipleship just as it honors one whom the contributors consider a mentor.
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    Modifications to consent documentation with adults with communication disorders following brain injury: An exploratory study.Jennifer Watermeyer & Chiara Aylward - forthcoming - Developing World Bioethics.
    Consent documentation for research studies is often inaccessible to people with neurogenic communication disorders following brain injury and there is limited literature on specific modifications for informed consent. This exploratory study aimed to identify effective strategies and modifications to consent processes for adults with brain injury. Using a fictitious research study, we developed a set of Participant Information Sheets (PISs) varying in complexity, presentation format, and communication modality. Evaluations were conducted with eight participants. Findings indicated diverse participant preferences for PIS (...)
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  35. Environmental Ethics: Further Case‐Studies.Christopher Southgate & Alex Aylward - forthcoming - Bioethics for Scientists:73--83.
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  36. Forgiveness and Love.Glen Pettigrove - 2012 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    What is forgiveness? When is it appropriate? Is it to be earned or can it be freely given? Is it a passion we cannot control, or something we choose to do? Glen Pettigrove explores the relationship between forgiving, understanding, and loving. He examines the significance of character for the debate, and revives the long-neglected virtue of grace.
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  37.  13
    After politics: the rejection of politics in contemporary liberal philosophy.Glen Newey - 2001 - New York, N.Y.: Palgrave.
    Why do political philosophers shy away from politics? Glen Newey offers a challenging and original critique of liberalism, the dominant political philosophy of our time, tackling such key issues as state legitimacy, value-pluralism, neutrality, the nature of politics, public reason, and morality in politics. Analyzing major liberal theorists, Newey argues that liberalism bypasses politics because it ignores or misunderstands human motivation, and elevates academic systembuilding over political realities of conflict and power.
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  38.  23
    Virtue, Reason and Toleration: The Place of Toleration in Ethical & Political Philosophy.Glen Newey - 1999 - Edinburgh University Press.
    Toleration is becoming an increasingly questioned issue in modern democratic and multicultural societies and is debated within the academic disciplines of politics, history and cultural and literary studies. In this book Glen Newey systematically analyses toleration in relation to broader issues in meta-ethical theory and offers a new, rigorous philosophical theory of toleration as a virtue. A wide range of questions in ethical theory is addressed, including ethical responsibility, character and virtue, the nature of reasons for action, the acts/omissions (...)
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  39.  19
    Toleration in Political Conflict.Glen Newey - 2013 - Cambridge University Press.
    Political disputes over toleration are endemic, while toleration as a political value seems opposed to those of civic equality, neutrality and sometimes democracy. Toleration in Political Conflict sets out to understand toleration as both politically awkward and indispensable. The book exposes the incoherence of Rawlsian reasonable pluralist justifications of toleration, and shows that toleration cannot be fully reconciled with liberal political values. While raison d'état concerns very often overshadow debates over toleration, these debates – for example about terrorism – need (...)
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  40. The Political Perspective of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Critical Research Agenda.Glen Whelan - 2012 - Business Ethics Quarterly 22 (4):709-737.
    ABSTRACT:I here advance a critical research agenda for the political perspective of corporate social responsibility (Political CSR). I argue that whilst the ‘Political’ CSR literature is notable for both its conceptual novelty and practical importance, its development has been hamstrung by four ambiguities, conflations and/or oversights. More positively, I argue that ‘Political’ CSR should be conceived as one potentialformof globalization, and not as aconsequenceof ‘globalization’; that contemporary Western MNCs should be presumed to engage in CSR for instrumental reasons; that ‘Political’ (...)
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  41.  26
    What Virtue Adds to Value.Glen Pettigrove - 2022 - Australasian Philosophical Review 6 (2):113-128.
    ABSTRACT In virtually every corner of ethics—including discussions of value, practical reasoning, moral psychology, and justice—it is common for theorists to suggest that our actions, attitudes, or emotions should be proportional to the degree of value present in the objects or events to which they are responding. I argue that there is a fundamental problem with these approaches: they overlook the character of the agent and what it adds to the equation. I show that a commitment to proportionality is at (...)
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  42. Meekness and 'Moral' Anger.Glen Pettigrove - 2012 - Ethics 122 (2):341-370.
    If asked to generate a list of virtues, most people would not include meekness. So it is surprising that Hume not only deems it a virtue, but one whose 'tendency to the good of society no one can doubt of.' After explaining what Hume and his contemporaries meant by "meekness", the paper proceeds to argue that meekness is a virtue we, too, should endorse.
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    Merleau-Ponty and the face of the world: silence, ethics, imagination, and poetic ontology.Glen A. Mazis - 2016 - Albany: SUNY Press.
    Assesses Merleau-Ponty’s contribution to ethics as calling for a poetic interplay between perception and imagination, and between silence and solidarity, that reveals our place in the world, and our obligations to ourselves and others. Before his death in 1961, Merleau-Ponty worried about what he saw as humanity’s increasingly self-enclosed and manipulative way of experiencing self, others, and the world—the consequences of which remain apparent in our destructive inability to connect with others within and across cultures. In Merleau-Ponty and the Face (...)
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  44. Preference for bar pressing over "freeloading" as a function of number of rewarded presses.Glen D. Jensen - 1963 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 65 (5):451.
  45. The Standing to Forgive.Glen Pettigrove - 2009 - The Monist 92 (4):583-603.
    In the philosophical literature on forgiveness it is almost universally assumed that only the victim of a wrong has the standing to forgive. This paper challenges that assumption and argues for the possibility of meaningful second- and third-party forgiveness.
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    Corporations and Citizenship Arenas in the Age of Social Media.Glen Whelan, Jeremy Moon & Bettina Grant - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 118 (4):777-790.
    Little attention has been paid to the importance of social media in the corporate social responsibility (CSR) literature. This deficit is redressed in the present paper through utilizing the notion of ‘citizenship arenas’ to identify three dynamics in social media-augmented corporate–society relations. First, we note that social media-augmented ‘corporate arenas of citizenship’ are constructed by individual corporations in an effort to address CSR issues of specific importance thereto, and are populated by individual citizens as well as (functional/formally organized) stakeholders. Second, (...)
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    Born Political: A Dispositive Analysis of Google and Copyright.Glen Whelan - 2019 - Business and Society 58 (1):42-73.
    Google is a complex and complicated political beast with a significant, and often confusing, interest, in copyright matters. On one hand, for example, Google is widely accused of profiting from piracy. On the other, Google routinely complies with what is rapidly approaching a billion copyright takedown requests annually. In the present article, Foucault, neo-Gramscians, and Deleuze and Guattari are utilized to help construct a 32 dispositive analysis framework that overlaps three dispositive modalities and perspectives. In applying the framework to the (...)
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  48. Subjects of Empire: Indigenous Peoples and the ‘Politics of Recognition’ in Canada.Glen S. Coulthard - 2007 - Contemporary Political Theory 6 (4):437-460.
    Over the last 30 years, the self-determination efforts and objectives of Indigenous peoples in Canada have increasingly been cast in the language of ‘recognition’ — recognition of cultural distinctiveness, recognition of an inherent right to self-government, recognition of state treaty obligations, and so on. In addition, the last 15 years have witnessed a proliferation of theoretical work aimed at fleshing out the ethical, legal and political significance of these types of claims. Subsequently, ‘recognition’ has now come to occupy a central (...)
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  49. Is Virtue Ethics Self-Effacing?Glen Pettigrove - 2011 - The Journal of Ethics 15 (3):191-207.
    Thomas Hurka, Simon Keller, and Julia Annas have recently argued that virtue ethics is self-effacing. I contend that these arguments are rooted in a mistaken understanding of the role that ideal agency and agent flourishing (should) play in virtue ethics. I then show how a virtue ethical theory can avoid the charge of self-effacement and why it is important that it do so.
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    Trust in Surveillance: A Reply to Etzioni.Glen Whelan - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 156 (1):15-19.
    Etzioni has recently proposed that the success of Internet enabled commerce is surprising due to what I label the “trust in strangers” problem. In here responding to Etzioni, I argue that the “trust in strangers” problem effectively dissolves once it is recognized that current manifestations of Internet commerce are not associated with high levels of anonymity, but rather, with high levels of surveillance. In doing so, I first outline how data capitalism and security considerations have contributed to Internet surveillance being (...)
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